hotspot | Auto Hotspot (starts on boot) (beta) | 0.1.0 x11vnc | VNC server (starts on boot) | 0.9.16 nomachine | NoMachine server (starts on boot) | 8.9.1 tailscale | Tailscale - worldwide static IP (starts on boot) | 1.50.1 conky | Conky system monitor with GPS location/time | 1.11.6 chirp | Radio programming software | 20231027 flsuite | flDigi / flMsg / flRig | 4.1.23 / 4.0.20 / 1.4.7 wsjtx | WSJT-X / JS8Call Weak Signal Communications | 2.6.1 gridtracker | GridTracker WSJT-X companion | 1.23.1226 hamclock | Clock with amateur radio features | 3.01 pat | Pat Winlink email with ARDOP, AGWPE / Direwolf | 0.14.1 ardop | ARDOP open-source modem | hamrs | POTA Logging Software (64-bit) | 1.0.6 direwolf | Virtual TNC with Hamlib/flRig control | 1.6 yaac | APRS client written in Java | 1.0(beta81)